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Study at VAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Updated: Mar 18

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) is a top university of applied sciences located on the West Coast of Finland.

Studying in Finland offers a unique blend of high-quality education, innovative teaching methods, and a distinct cultural experience that sets it apart from other study destinations. Also, the curriculum focuses on providing research-based, and industry-oriented education. Finland consistently ranks high in global education indices, boasting a world-class education system that prioritizes equality, collaboration, and critical thinking. The emphasis on student-centric learning fosters creativity and independent thinking, preparing graduates not only with theoretical knowledge but also with practical skills highly valued by employers worldwide.

VAMK offers a range of bachelor's and master's degree programs in fields such as business, technology, and management. These programs often include internships and practical training.

Avg Tuition fee € 8000-10000 p.a

Highlighted Courses:

- International Business, BBA

- IT, Bachelor of Engg

- Energy Technology, Bachelor of Engg

- Cloud-Based Software Engg (Master)

- Project Management, Engg (Master)

- Project Management, Business (Master)

- International Business Management (Master)

One of the distinctive features of studying in Finland is the unique cultural and natural environment. Finland's stunning landscapes, including its enchanting forests, lakes, and the Northern Lights, provide an exceptional backdrop for both personal and academic development. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on equality and sustainability, making it an ideal destination for those passionate about social responsibility and environmental awareness. Finland's reputation for being one of the safest and happiest countries in the world adds to the overall appeal of the study experience, creating a harmonious balance between academic excellence and an unparalleled quality of life.

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